Personal Notes

"Brains in Bahrain" Kramnik(GM) - Fritz(C) 8 game match : October 4-19 Manama, Bahrain :

Organized by Einstein TV : Game 8 Saturday 8 AM

Match ends tied 4.0 - 4.0 NO tiebreaker games : Game 8 Fritz(C) - Deep Fritz(C) 1/2 "examine Kramnik-Fritz %8"

Games October 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19 : 8 AM ICC time 1200 GMT 3 PM Bahrain time : 1300 London/Lisbon 1400 Paris/Berlin 1500 Athens

1600 Moscow 5 AM US west coast time : Israel 1500 for games 1-2 1400 games 3-8

Time: start with 120 minutes. Add 60 minutes after move 40 : Add 60 minutes after move 56. Game may be adjourned after move 56 : Kramnik gets $1 million on a win, $700,000 draw, $500,000 loss

Picture of Fritz operater Matthias Feist : Picture of Fritz hardware -- 8 CPU Compaq (end of page) : will have audio coverage each game day : starting at 7:30 AM "finger ChessFm"

Free 5 Euro bet bet on the match result : or individual Kramnik - Fritz games.

Map: : Weather: : Type "liblist Kramnik-Fritz" for the games.

Server Ratings

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