Personal Notes

We are born blind, naked, helpless and ignorant. It's ok to admit you are wrong. And it's ok to say you are sorry!

I change many of my views daily... there is NOTHING WRONG WITH LEARNING NEW THINGS AND CHANGING!

so keep an open mind, keep your morals, and don't let anybody exploit you. Make sure it makes sense and embrace debates and walk away a more knowledgable person. If you do, you are better for it.

RyanDarjeeling, right here on ICC and excellent composer and pianist! Check him out at .

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1561 Best
Type Blitz Rating 1266 Best 1480 (26/Apr/2015)
Type Standard Rating 1383 Best 1538 (29/Apr/2015)
Type Bullet Rating 1330 Best 1362 (23/Jun/2015)
Type 5-minute Rating 1046 Best 1151 (10/May/2015)
Type 1-minute Rating 1255 Best 1255 (10/Jun/2015)
Type 15-minute Rating 1553 Best 1574 (01/Jun/2015)
Type 3-minute Rating 1021 Best 1162 (18/Apr/2015)
