Personal Notes

I believe God YHWH and Jesus YESHUA for

Prosperity in my health (III John 2)

Prosperity in my finances (III John 2, II Chronicles 20:20)

Prosperity in my chess (III John 2, Proverbs 8:11-12)

If I dont do anything to improve myself that I am able do to, how can God bless me by faith? Similarly, if I dont believe in God by faith for the miracles that are beyond my reach, how can I be blessed?

I believe also, by faith, blessing , abundance and prosperity for my friends and acquaintances. I believe deliverence from those that would mock me (Psalm 23:5)

Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship and a belief by faith, such as I have, in Jesus. (John 3:16, John 8:58)

Christianity is a faith that only corrects by wisdom. (Proverbs 1:20-23) Untold truth lies in wait for those who dont listen to decievers (Matt 24: 8-14)

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You may not like what I say, you may disparage me ... if you feel this way -- thats your decision. I'll pray for you if you make yourself known to me, but until you come to me ready to accept who I am (even when I fault because I am human) Luke 4: 5-8, Matt 16:23 and Mark 8:33

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