Personal Notes

Greetings from God's ( whoever or whatever he/she/it may be) backyard: Alberta, Canada

No take backs. Do what I did: Get a new mouse. U shouldn't move the pieces around the board anyway.

If you ask nicely (or not), extra time doesn't apply anywhere in chess.

Chess and books will keep Alzeimer in the dictionnary instead of your head.

Light travels much faster than sound. That's why most people look a lot better before they speak.

Don't know (or can't remember!) who sent me the above, but it sure makes sense!!

If you don't know how to win gracefully, don't play.

If you don't know how to lose gracefully, don't play.

Ratings are over rated.

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 1012 Best 1308 (15/Jun/2012)
Type Standard Rating 1624 Best 1660 (11/Jan/2010)
Type 1-minute Rating 1288 Best
Type 15-minute Rating 1675 Best
Type 3-minute Rating 1423 Best
Type Chess960 Rating 970 Best
