Personal Notes

FIDE Championship June 19 - 20 : : ICC will have LIVE COVERAGE starting 8:30 AM

2 games, any tiebreak games after game 2 : Time control : Start with 90 minutes. Add 15 minutes after : move 40. Add 30 seconds after every move.

* = match forfeited : Topalov - Abulhul 2.0-0.0 Rublevsky - Adly 1.0-1.0 : Morozevich - Elarbi 0.0-2.0* Radjabov - Bartel 2.0-0.0

Adams - Asabri 2.0-0.0 Aleksandrov - El Gindy 1.5-0.5 : Grischuk - Solomon 1.5-0.5 Beliavsky - Barsov 1.0-1.0

Ivanchuk - Arab 2.0-0.0 Vallejo - Vasquez 1.0-1.0 : Short - Kadhi 2.0-0.0 Bologan - Paragua 1.0-1.0

Malakhov - Haznedaroglu 1.5-0.5 Sakaev - Mastrovasilis 1.5-0.5 : Nisipeanu - Dableo 1.5-0.5 Sasikiran - Kritz 0.0-2.0

Sokolov - Simutowe 2.0-0.0 Mamedyarov - Neverov 1.0-1.0 : Dreev - Tissir 2.0-0.0 Graf - Barua 2.0-0.0

Akopian - Gonzalez 1.5-0.5 Zvjaginsev - Lima 2.0-0.0 : Ye - Garcia 1.0-1.0 Kasimdzhanov - Ramirez 1.0-1.0

Milov - Neelotpal 0.0-2.0* van Wely - Ivanov 1.0-1.0 : Azmaiparashvili - Mahjoob 1.0-1.0 Motylev - Hamdouchi 0.5-1.5

Bacrot - Charbonneau 2.0-0.0 Vescovi - Guseinov 1.0-1.0 : Gurevich - Johansen 1.5-0.5 Nikolic - Acs 1.0-1.0

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