Personal Notes

5th Computer Chess Tournament Jan 18-19, 2003 : Official site and list of participants: : Replay games :

Final standings 9 round swiss 45 10 : 1 7.0 ruffian (won playoff) : 2 7.0 crafty (second in playoff)

3 7.0 YACE (third in playoff) : 4- 5 6.5 ferret QuarkX : 6 6.0 monsoon

7-14 5.5 Chezzz CometXX diep Hossa TaoXX TerraPi thebaron XxPepitoxX

15-19 5.0 Amyan Butcher NoonianChess SearcherX Zappa

20-27 4.5 Amateur ArasanX AvernoX BringerXX Frenzee pharaon : PostModernist WildCatXX

28-35 4.0 Aristarch Celes ChompsterX CyberPagno Grok : MoveiXX Tinker XinixXX

36-39 3.5 Alarm Czolgista nullmover QALAT : 40-41 3.0 Matacz PolarChess : 42 2.0 RobinX

43-44 1.5 Armageddon Phark : withdrew : messchess

Type "liblist CCT5" for the games from rounds 1-3 : "liblist CCT5-2" for rounds 4-6 : "liblist CCT5-3" for rounds 7-9 and the playoffs

Server Ratings

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