Personal Notes

Adams(GM) - Hydra(C) match June 21-27 London, England :

ICC and ChessFM had LIVE COVERAGE : Games start 10:00 AM : No game Friday June 24

Game 1 Hydra - Adams 1-0 "examine Adams-Hydra %1" : Game 2 Adams - Hydra 1/2 "examine Adams-Hydra %2"

Game 3 Hydra - Adams 1-0 "examine Adams-Hydra %3" : Game 4 Adams - Hydra 0-1 "examine Adams-Hydra %4"

Game 5 Hydra - Adams 1-0 "examine Adams-Hydra %5" : Game 6 Adams - Hydra 0-1 "examine Adams-Hydra %6"

Time: start with 100 minutes. Add 50 minutes after move 40. : Add 15 minutes after move 60. Add 30 seconds after each move. :

Winner of each game gets US$25,000 : Draw -- both get US$10,000


Type "liblist Adams-Hydra" for the games

Server Ratings

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