Added on 2/27/2014
Get ready for the GMs! Starting from March, ICC presents you with a totally renewed Simul system. There will be four major simultaneous exhibitions during the month, with our GM Simul Masters!
Join the simul or watch it in our brand new LIVE ICC TV! Enjoy the GMs live commentary as he narrates his ideas and impressions as he plays!
Time control is 60 + 30 and each event will be played by 25 ICCers.
March Saturday 8th, 2pm ICC time GM John Fedorowicz Score: +14 =6 -4 Games: Download PGN VIDEO: Available here Summary The first SimulMaster has been a success! Hundreds of ICC members turned out to watch Fed battle for a perfect score. Congratulations to FullStep, VolcanoExplorer, kaens and KONT for mastering the SimulMaster! Friday 14th, 2pm ICC time GM Miguel Illescas Score: +15 =6 -3 Games: Download PGN VIDEO: Available here Congratulations to chesskeys, tapir and CrystalShard for mastering the master! Download the PGN or watch the video to see how everyone did. Wednesday 19th, 7pm ICC time GM Larry Christiansen Score: +17 =3 -5 Games: Download PGN VIDEO: Available here GM LarryC had to fight against a strong bunch of players in SimulMaster, and found himself playing some challenging games. It's been a lot of fun to watch the GM using all his experience to finish with a good score. Congratulations to Buckeye, numbercrunch, Los13Fantasmas, TahoeSam and kaens for mastering the Master! Monday 24th, 7pm ICC time GM Alex Yermolinsky Score: +15 =3 -6 Games: Download PGN VIDEO: Available here GM Alex "Yermo" played his first simul in ICC, and it was really fun to see our commentator wear the cap of the player. He had to face a strong opposition, but managed to play some nice games, and his overall result is not bad at all. Congratulations to the winners: JTiberK, enriquebutti, chesskeys, masonicchess, drstrangemove and Zhbugnoimt!
Watch GM John Fedorowicz play the FIRST SimulMaster!
Instructions to participate
Join the simul channel (ch 3). In the chat area (console) just type: /+channel 3 Once the simul is open, type: /tell simulbot joinICC for Mac/windows users
Go the the Channel list button upper right-hand corner, and add the “Simul” Go to menu item VIEW->CONSOLE and type: /tell simulbot joinWe will be using the "Lottery" system to select the players, in case that more than 25 will join. Here is an explanation of how the Lottery system works: Essentially, the join-start process will run in a different way. SimulBot will let as many people "sign-up" for the simul as are interested. For example, if it is a 25 person simul, the bot will let 40, 50, 60, etc, sign up for the simul. Then, when it is time to start the simul, the bot will have a lottery and select 25 people to play. The remaining players will be notified they will not be playing in that paticular simul and removed. This method will ensure that all members have a chance to play.
Also of interest is that the lottery system will be setup to give members who play in fewer simuls a higher chance to be selected. There are two things specifically that affect any one person's chance of playing: the total number of simuls played and whether he/she played in the last simul. These two variables will enter into the bot function for deciding how many "lottery tickets" that player recieves.
The events will be streamed LIVE on ICC chess TV! You will be able to see the Grandmaster playing the simul, and listen to his comments DURING the play! Don't expect the GMs to tell you your next winning move, though. Stay tuned, and enjoy!