Added on 7/15/2012
Dortmund: The Realm of King Caruana
Fab Fabiano! The young American-Italian stud made it: he won the Sparkassen Chess Meeting super tournament in Dortmund, dethroning King Vlad . In a dramatic last round, Caruana, after the amazing win over Kramink in round 8, managed to beat GM Bartel, to take the trophy. Now Caruana is officially one of the elite players - his rating put him there already - and nobody will be able to affirm that he's getting rating points in "weaker events". The peripatetic American-Italian boy, who's been playing frantically in every Open tournament in the last months, eventually grabs a super-event title, to enter the realm of Caissa. Sergey Karjakin - the other youngster in the lot - had a great tournament, and only the tiebreak criteria declared him be second. Vlad the King fought to retain his title for the 11th time, but the pack of young hungry wolves didn't allow the seasoned champion to fulfill his plans. Are we witnessing a generation change? We'll see!
Round Date Host Game Preview Members 8 July 21 GM Alex Yermolinsky Sweere
GM Fabiano Caruana GM Vladimir Kramnik
7 July 20 GM Alex Yermolinsky SweereGM Vladimir Kramnik GM Peter Leko
6 July 19 GM Var Akobian "SCORPION83"GM Jan Gustafsson GM Arkadij Naiditsch
5 July 17 GM Ronen Har-Zvi Indiana-Jones GM Sergey Karjakin GM Daniel Fridman 4 July 16 GM Joel Benjamin MrHat GM Peter Leko GM Fabiano Caruana 3 July 15 GM Alex Yermolinsky Sweere GM Georg Meier GM Ruslan Ponomariov 2 July 14 GM Var Akobian "SCORPION83"GM Jan Gustafsson GM Vladimir Kramnik
1 July 13 GM Gregory Kaidanov "Kaidanov"GM Fabiano Caruana GM Arkadij Naiditsch
Trivia Dortmund '12 ICC 1 month ICC 3 months NIC subscription Round 1 MikeAngelo Deadcatbouncerspy
Round 2 TigreBlanco MikeAngeloKingKiller
Round 3 oldtimer agent-n053Koenigsac
Round 4 Deadcatbouncer Supermanmissile14b
Round 5 Chesschallenged MikeAngelopisati857
Round 6 Deadcatbouncer sisuOperaDude94
Round 7 Bresciano Leijona cheVelle Round 8 sibirica frank001 PEB216 Round 9 MikeAngelo MikeAngeloPomberito
Game of the Day Trivia! ICC presents the daily trivia contests, where each day an ICC member will win 1 and 3 month membership extensions. 'New in Chess' TRIVIA! ICC and New in Chess present The New in Chess' Trivia Contest, where each day an ICC member will win a 1 year subscription to NIC!