Added on 2/5/2022
Lots of action today in Berlin!
Pool A 1 2 3 4 PTS Grischuk aa 1/2 1/2 1.0 Nakamura aa 1 1/2 1.5 Esipenko 1/2 0 aa 0.5 Bacrot 1/2 1/2 aa 1.0Nakamura won a great game against the young Russian GM Andrey Esipenko. Bacrot had the upper hand in his games versus Grischuk, but the Frenchman could not find a way to concretize his advantage and had to settle for a draw. Now in Pool A Nakamura leads with 1.5 points.
Pool B 1 2 3 4 PTS Wojtaszek aa 1 1/2 1.5 Fedoseev aa 0 1 1.0 Rapport 0 1 aa 1.0 Oparin 1/2 0 aa 0.5In Pool B Wojtaszek, who had won yesterday, was on the brink of scoring two out of two, but Oparin defended strenuously, and the game ended in a draw. Rapport bounced back after losing yesterday's game and defeated Fedoseev in an interesting battle.
Pool C 1 2 3 4 PTS Aronian aa 1/2 1 1.5 Dubov 1/2 aa 1/2 1.0 Keymer 1/2 aa 1/2 1.0 Gujrathi 0 1/2 aa 0.5In Pool C the four players drew their game, leaving the standings unchanged.
Pool D 1 2 3 4 PTS So aa 1/2 1/2 1.0 Dominguez 1/2 aa 1 1.5 Harikrishna 1/2 aa 1/2 1.0 Shirov 0 1/2 aa 0.5In pool D Harikrishna and So drew, and Shirov lost to Dominguez.
Tomorrow Round 3, at 9 AM EST - 15:00 Berlin (CET) - 14:00 UTC