Tournament Fees

Registration Fees By Schedule

Schedule 1st Early Entry 2nd Early Entry Late Fee

until 5/8/22


after 5/16

1-Day Sections $83 $93 $150
K-1 Sections $83 $93 $150
2-Day Championship Sections: $107 $117 $150
3-Day Championship Sections: $107 $117 $150
Online fees are only valid using our website (any other procedures require advance approval).
May be limited to 1,500 players (also limited to smaller number of players on each day)! Entries may be subject to waitlist.
If a player needs to withdraw before the tournament, the entry fee can be used as a credit towards a future ICC tournament, or a $15 service charge for a refund.
Limited Financial Aid is available based on player need. Please contact for more information.


US Chess (USCF) Membership is also required. Annual USCF dues if paid in advance online (in addition to tournament entry fee).

Type Age With Chess Life With Chess Life For Kids No Magazine
Young Adult 19 - 23 $34 ($36 at site) $31 $27
Youth Under 18 $28 ($29 at site) $22 $20
See for more dues options.
2-month (Adult) membership dues: $20 extra for 2 month membership with 1 issue “Chess Life.”
Chess Life - 12 Issues Monthly | Chess Life For Kids - 6 Issues Bi-Monthly