Clocks and Flags

All games on ICC are timed with a clock for each player. Your clock runs while it is your turn to move. Your opponent's clock runs while it is his turn to move. The clock measures your "thinking" time. If you run out of time on your clock, you lose the game! (Technically, your opponent could turn off autoflag and allow the game to continue, but that's seldom done.)

The "initial time" is the amount of time you start with on your clock, in minutes. The "increment" is the number of seconds that are added onto your clock after each move you make. You can actually gain time on your clock if you move faster than the increment.

A "2 12" blitz game would be a game with 2 minutes initial time, and 12 seconds increment added to your clock after each move.

During a game, you can add more time to your opponent's clock with the ICC command moretime

Time controls: Time controls are specified in the match or seek command when you challenge someone to a game. The time controls determine if a game is Bullet, Blitz, or Standard.


See Also:
The Game Window
Standard, Blitz, and Bullet
Command Line Interface
Dasher Documentation