Personal Notes

My name is whiskeytown - I have lived in Montana and Minnesota but currently reside in Anchorage, AK

you might think I love winter and snow - but actually I just hate poisonous reptiles :)

what a gift to play anytime online - esp. when you're out here on the frontier

my ugly mug is at

if you are a fan of my - I am the same whiskeytown but not doing as many now

I did a music CD in 2008 - you can hear it at - it has chess artwork

USCF peak was 1630 but I will get little OTB experience here so I've let membership lapse

I prefer to play slow and increment based games now - 20/15 > 15/0 these days

I want to use up my last two notes - I have OCD that way sometimes - my bad

intermittently taking lessons from Dan Heisman (when checkbook allows) - very good instructor

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 1121 Best 1165 (13/Jan/2013)
Type Standard Rating 1603 Best 1657 (19/Mar/2013)
Type Bullet Rating 1084 Best
Type 5-minute Rating 1251 Best 1270 (01/Jan/2014)
Type 1-minute Rating 903 Best
Type 15-minute Rating 1582 Best 1703 (13/Nov/2011)
Type 3-minute Rating 1033 Best
Type 25-minute Rating 1645 Best
