Personal Notes

I don't often give immediate rematches because either I don't have time or want to analyze the game.

Poor sports and trash talkers go on my censor and no play list. If you find yourself there its either for no manners or cheating. No problem.

No takebacks except for obvious mouse slips.

Yes I'm a real cop and I am the 2008 World Chess Champion of the International Police and Fire Games.

Titled wins: IM Schoer (win-simul), IM Turzo 50/50, WGM Kosteniuk (draw-simul), IM Schroer (draw-simul), WIM JaimeK (win-quite often), FM Phatkat (win 12/12)

I also have a win against Toniolo78 rated 2415. True, he is not a titled player, but...he does know a guy that has a friend who hangs around an IM and pesters him.

Friends: qlwqznzn

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 1340 Best 1758 (21/Apr/2011)
Type Standard Rating 2074 Best 2455 (06/Aug/2011)
Type Bullet Rating 1618 Best 1839 (02/Sep/2000)
Type Loser's Rating 1313 Best
Type 5-minute Rating 1130 Best 1602 (23/Sep/2001)
Type 1-minute Rating 1784 Best
Type 15-minute Rating 1260 Best
Type 25-minute Rating 1873 Best
