Personal Notes

Russ Palmeri, USCF 1583

I prefer longer games with time increments.

Best tournament results, 1st place under 1500, MidAmerica Class Championships Chicago, 1997; 3rd place, Under 1600, Land of the Sky, Asheville, NC 2007

Best chessfriend CentrKentr- and what a patzer!!!

Mig is the best chess commentator ever! Type fin Mig to find out where to read him, or go to

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1387 Best 1437 (03/Dec/1997)
Type Blitz Rating 1358 Best 1775 (20/Jan/1997)
Type Bullet Rating 1383 Best 1528 (30/Sep/1996)
Type 5-minute Rating 1525 Best
Type 1-minute Rating 964 Best
Type 3-minute Rating 1213 Best
