Personal Notes

I appreciate being able to have a comparable opponent here ready to play anytime I wish.

I play simply for the fun of it. I'm not really getting any better. (big understatement)

I will occasionally play much longer in an obvious losing position than one should. Apologies

Yes, I will take advantage of the clock sometimes.

Anger, and expressions of it here, have lead me to not converse.

My auto-thanks is meant as an expression of courtesy and appreciation. If it somehow offends you, well, get over it. Just censor me, then it won't pop up. I still appreciate the game.

Fredbob-shame on you, ErebusTheGreat - shame on you

edwinthomasr says: "fu** you" --- sir, that anger is going to consume you

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 1383 Best 1492 (02/Jan/2018)
Type 5-minute Rating 1538 Best 1803 (09/Sep/2015)
Type 15-minute Rating 1535 Best 1667 (12/Jan/2014)
Type 3-minute Rating 1255 Best 1592 (30/Jan/2018)
