Personal Notes

NO TAKEBACKS! see breeze notes 1, 2 & Goofyjr note 10. Also, it's touch move, so I'm watching you... If I lose on time and could have mated you in a few moves, i might say 'crap' This is not necessarily a comment about the quality of your play.

I have played under several handles, ~ 50,000 total games, mostly bad! We should all play longer, fewer games of higher quality instead of tendonitis-producing woodpushing.

Special thanks to Phishmaster expert help w/Chessbase; other friends & notables: Staunton, Knallo, Housemate, RossA, TcBard, Tim, xib35, Habu, hangin, Mitsotakis, PaulMurphy, mitfit, Lat(C). What ever happened to Grandrolly, Venshyrhubarb?

if you find yourself on my noplay list, it's because i found your behavior disrespectful, inconsiderate or indicative of some form of cheating or severe mental disorder. In rare cases i may have misinterpreted the meaning of your disconnect(s). If so, please tell me. If i have censored you, well ...

players rated x who will only play players rated x+n (n = small integer) crack me up. who would want to play someone who is always taking and never giving? what happens if everyone adopts your policy? you would never get to play! Be a good citizen and play a few games with your weaker bretheren.

kibitzing is great fun and has been, undoubtedly, for centuries. however, you should engage brain before saying silly things like so-and-so is a "weak GM" or so-and-so (IM) is a "stupid idiot" Show some respect for these players who could squash your tiny head like a bug

karch139 kibitzes: you're a parasite for sore eyes. whatlove kibitzes: I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!

i play in streaks, so if you win then by all means keep playing; if you lose, you might want to stop ;-) but if you lose in horrible fashion, please don't call me sandbagger, cheat or other names. we're not playing for anything, why would anybody sandbag or cheat YOU? think about it - you're not that important

don't get hung up about loss of rating points, especially in bullet and blitz which are just transient indicators of how well you're feeling and playing at the moment. it's a negative feedback system - you will soon rise back up to your proper level ;-)

Elo - "it is futile to use ratings to compare players from different eras. Ratings only measure strength compared to one's contemporaries." He compared ratings to "the measurement of the position of a cork bobbing up and down on the surface of agitated water with a yard stick tied to a rope swaying in the wind"

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1368 Best
Type Blitz Rating 1448 Best 1936 (02/Jul/1999)
Type Standard Rating 1907 Best 2126 (09/Aug/2001)
Type Bullet Rating 1250 Best 1861 (04/Jul/1999)
Type Bughouse Rating 1307 Best 1359 (18/May/2002)
Type Loser's Rating 1392 Best 1421 (02/Jul/2000)
Type Crazyhouse Rating 1164 Best
Type 5-minute Rating 1431 Best 1698 (02/May/2002)
Type 1-minute Rating 925 Best 1506 (20/Mar/2002)
Type 15-minute Rating 1284 Best
Type Chess960 Rating 1181 Best
