Personal Notes

Percy Dovetonsils here: America's Poet Laureate, Beloved Child, Parent,Common-Law Spouse, Sponge, Acquaintance, and part time grifter.

By the time I attained middle school, I founded The Defiant Ones, whose first fiery manifesto began, "Here we come walking down the street, getting plenty of stares from everyone we meet. Hey, hey, we're the Defiant Ones!"

I left the Defiant Ones after everyone joined.

Check me out on youtube, my odes, the Nairobi Trio. Have another nithe martini

Radcon DougoutDug hates Noam Chomsky, a Great American Thinker, and as such Chomsky is the focus of 99% of his tells in 97. Do NOT believe what he says about Chomsky, look into it for yourself! Don't be lead by the nose by DougOutDug!

Basket of Deplorables: David Duke, dlh, Adolf Hitler, Coolidge, Charles Manson, ChessProMaster, Chairman Mao, DugoutDoug, Pol Pot, danjagg, Dylann Roof, Pawntrader66, TINMAN, Dr Mengele, Relentless, Jerry Sandusky, Wind-Surfer, rajiva, boris-chopitov, rjp1888, knightsweats, Heinrich Himmler, Doug50

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1121 Best
Type Blitz Rating 929 Best 1473 (23/Apr/2007)
Type Standard Rating 1378 Best 1567 (06/Feb/2014)
Type Bullet Rating 1001 Best 1220 (24/Sep/2007)
