Personal Notes

Updated (2/24) - From NY, moved back to Milwaukee in 2021 after dragging my beautiful wife and sons (25 and 21 - when did that happen) around the country (Chicago, Austin )

after a career in fintech and healthcare, I now teach computer science at MSOE and I'm hoping to complete a PhD in AI over the next couple of years

I'm a recreational guitarist with a reasonably large set of DAW/MIDI gear. Influences include everyone - hard to focus on something when I listen to damn near everything.

Discipline paves the road to mastery. Mastery helps walk the road to understanding. Understanding marks the road to truth. I wish I'd have learned this earlier.

Ideas are all that matter. Politics is just a tool. If your goal is not a better society, politics can only get you power. Western civ (free markets, free minds, free speech) has improved the lives of more, more quickly than anything in history.

If you disagree with 5) make sure you actually understand the circumstances that allow you that privilege. Most people sleep through their lives without realizing their great fortune allowing them such ignorance. If you don't give much thought to such things, please stay home on election day.

Better yourself. Read EVERYTHING from Marx to Ayn Rand - and include plenty of the classics in between, including The Federalist Papers, The Wealth of Nations, von Mises' take on Socialism, Piketty's take on Capitalism, Hayek, Hitchens, Rawls. Be well read, then make an opinion. In that order.

I thought chess would be simple. Apply the same logic and reason required for computer science. I was surprised to discover the depth and soul of the game...

... Two chess notes - no takebacks given or asked - mouseslips happen to us all, and reset noplay & censor lists a while back - had a hysterical interaction on T4545 (normally a great place) from someone on my censor list who, urm - well - wasn't as civilized in other contexts :)

Godzilla is a tragic economist. He knew Japan would have to modernize or fall behind after WW II. The only way it would happen is if he tore Tokyo apart himself. He knew they'd kill him. He did it anyway. A true patriot. And a sad story... (Watch the original '54 (or '23s G-1) good movies & good kaiju movies)

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 1378 Best 1867 (01/Oct/2002)
Type Standard Rating 1650 Best 1894 (17/Jan/2003)
Type Bullet Rating 1450 Best 1661 (10/Mar/2001)
Type Bughouse Rating 1270 Best
Type Loser's Rating 1234 Best
Type 5-minute Rating 1448 Best 1712 (20/Oct/2001)
Type 1-minute Rating 1043 Best 1571 (12/Jul/2003)
Type 15-minute Rating 1563 Best
Type 3-minute Rating 1265 Best 1402 (19/Apr/2015)
