Personal Notes

Andrea Paoletti from Florence, Italy

I work in publishing.

"Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize till you have tried to make it precise" (Bertrand Russell)

"I don't think it's such a good idea to be casual about the truth" (Sam Seaborn)

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1408 Best
Type Blitz Rating 1535 Best 2023 (06/Sep/2002)
Type Standard Rating 2252 Best 2252 (25/Feb/2004)
Type Bullet Rating 1527 Best 1661 (21/Sep/2004)
Type 5-minute Rating 1362 Best 1786 (10/May/2004)
Type 1-minute Rating 1149 Best 1553 (14/Jun/2005)
Type 3-minute Rating 1217 Best 1432 (23/Apr/2011)
