Personal Notes

I used to be an NM in the late 1980's -- my last OTB tourney was in 1992.

ex-Member of the Overdrawn Checks - 3 times Southern Amateur Team Champs

I love wild23 / crazyhouse and that's what I'm here to play.

I play regular when I don't find good w23 games here.

look at my lib for some nice zhouse games -- instructive

Lately I'm collecting chess engines and setting them to analyze GM games

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1584 Best
Type Blitz Rating 1663 Best 1991 (23/May/2007)
Type Standard Rating 2139 Best
Type Bullet Rating 1654 Best 1870 (26/Dec/2000)
Type Bughouse Rating 1581 Best 2011 (06/Jan/2001)
Type Loser's Rating 1499 Best
Type Crazyhouse Rating 1772 Best 2397 (02/Jul/2002)
Type 5-minute Rating 811 Best
Type 1-minute Rating 886 Best
Type 3-minute Rating 1469 Best
