Personal Notes

carro(97): This channel is the Ming vase of channels.

Wedge(97): frentz tv

NeonGenesis(97): ok frentz started a new game, everyone gather 'round SpinsGhost(97): heh ZenChess(97): Chess is a great game Deadcatbouncer(97): Wait, I'm not done with this cigarette!

ABottleOfSmoke(97): frentz, how do you discover the raps songs that speak to, or for, your heart?

ZenChess(97): God Forbid someone talks about chess on a freaking chess server

TheDonald(97): frents none of ur finger notes r funny brah

Mike(97): if the chess has stopped i'll take frentz off censor

GunSlinger(97): Mike, were you a hall monitor in high school?

carro(97): Look -- 97 started out as a politics channel -- but it's evolved as THE active central channel of the finest chess club on Earth. In chess clubs, people talk and NOT just about politics. We need to NOT have stick up butt about this.

GunSlinger(97): th bottom line is its blitz, and i'm always willing to smoke a lefty, so rack em up

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1407 Best 1407 (26/Jan/2019)
Type Blitz Rating 1756 Best 2276 (06/Apr/2007)
Type Standard Rating 1925 Best 2184 (18/Mar/2006)
Type Bullet Rating 1537 Best 2096 (26/Feb/2007)
Type Bughouse Rating 1428 Best
Type Loser's Rating 1320 Best
Type Crazyhouse Rating 1468 Best 1621 (11/Oct/2008)
Type 5-minute Rating 1777 Best 2215 (05/May/2007)
Type 1-minute Rating 1388 Best 2062 (20/Feb/2019)
Type 15-minute Rating 1945 Best 2046 (08/Jun/2018)
Type 3-minute Rating 1738 Best 2041 (07/Aug/2018)
Type Chess960 Rating 1392 Best 1659 (12/Jun/2014)
Type 25-minute Rating 1612 Best
