Personal Notes

Mahir Tuzel

In my case, i'm the young padawan. Lazypawn is Master Yoda and Anakin is demo05.

My national rating is about 1725 and my elo is 1712. I prefer playing 3 0 or 5 0 games.

As Pushkin's doomed duellist said..

.. Let's start..

... if you are willing.

There are quiet moves and strong moves. A strong move is one that gives an immediate advantage.

The capture of an important piece or discovered check, perhaps...

A quiet move implies trickery... subversion, complication.

sbAce says: this is ma game son {Game 1112 (M-Tuzel vs. sbAce) sbAce checkmated} 1-0

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1378 Best 1422 (19/Apr/2013)
Type Blitz Rating 1665 Best 1757 (20/Sep/2013)
Type Standard Rating 1669 Best 1687 (15/Jul/2008)
Type Bullet Rating 1832 Best
Type Bughouse Rating 1224 Best
Type Loser's Rating 1440 Best 1512 (11/Jan/2015)
Type Crazyhouse Rating 1306 Best 1375 (20/Apr/2013)
Type 5-minute Rating 1747 Best 1933 (07/Mar/2015)
Type 1-minute Rating 1620 Best 1633 (11/Apr/2015)
Type 15-minute Rating 1753 Best 1769 (23/Mar/2015)
Type 3-minute Rating 1598 Best 1695 (28/Mar/2015)
Type Chess960 Rating 1451 Best 1463 (05/Jan/2015)
