Personal Notes

Team 45 45 League: for information about Team 45 45 League "finger team4545" and "help team4545". The official channel for Team 45 45 League is channel 345.

The home for Team 45 45 League is

ICC offers Prizes! ICC membership extensions are awarded to members of teams that win the Championship in their section. Non-playing team Captains are eligible too.

Team 45 45 League Tournament 40 stats: 134 teams, 539 players, from 57 countries.

My USCF Correspondence rating is 2045 with 16 games completed. ICCF 2084, CCLA correspondence rating 2115.

Team 45 45 League is a "Group" on ICC, our channel is 345. To join the group type g-join Team4545League. We also have an ICC group web-page at which contains pertinent information regarding upcoming tournaments, etc.

In order to be eligible to play in Team 45 45 League, you must join and sign-up.

Which League player said "I like to keep my pieces on my first three ranks, so when you take them you will have to reach across the board and maybe pull something while reaching, and have to resign."

If you are a player looking for a team, please indicate that when you join the League. Also indicate which section or sections you wish to play in.

We have 130 teams (our 5th highest total ever) entered for T49 in six sections, with League standard ratings ranging from 728 to 2603! We are 483 players, hailing from 49 different countries.

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 1506 Best 1528 (18/Jan/2003)
Type Standard Rating 1455 Best 1764 (12/Feb/2011)
Type Bullet Rating 1209 Best 1295 (23/Mar/2000)
Type Loser's Rating 1302 Best 1350 (02/Apr/2007)
Type 5-minute Rating 1208 Best 1412 (07/Nov/2001)
Type 1-minute Rating 1005 Best
Type Correspondence Rating 2096 Best 2208 (25/Apr/2020)
