Personal Notes

Most disillusion for me is when listen to you now, I see only nerd idiot crouching on carpet screaming in his socks.

Ahahah, angry men make ass problems like haemorhoids!! Beware man! Possible angry because of so fearsome wood walking necrogay with Norway fetish?

You must do like countryman of Carlsen and die in too much snow.

Surely smile in apprehend now relief to once great snowman of storms is no threat to DJ Ebola of stupid memory. HUH!

Think you can see through own bedroom window from wartore hell**** of Serbia? No you know nothing of me and I say you should never!

No you know nothing of me and I say you should never! So "funny" guy to make thread in mock.

I am a fear so hard of you laugh to me on internet I cry at night in winnie pooh pants like idiot.

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 2036 Best
Type 5-minute Rating 2025 Best 2405 (21/Jun/2014)
Type 1-minute Rating 1743 Best 2054 (11/Jan/2015)
Type 15-minute Rating 1726 Best
Type 3-minute Rating 1705 Best
Type 25-minute Rating 1806 Best
