Personal Notes

I am boycoting this stupid server and will try as many members to do the same. People that run this place are total disgrace to human race!

For years ICC did everything in it's power to discredit me . The reason for it was...that while I was one of creators of the sever (as far as publicity and geting GM on it) I was revealing some bad actions that took place

I was told countless lies about every subject I touched...they harass me on every acount I ever created here. your eyes...and I am waring you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay away from Lateknight and far as u can...they can never be trusted!!

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 3320 Best 3322 (09/Dec/2008)
Type 5-minute Rating 2753 Best 2764 (02/Dec/2008)
Type 1-minute Rating 2193 Best 2298 (08/Oct/2008)
