The View Menu

The View menu allows you to view common information from the server:

My Messages raises the messages dialog, in which you can manage all your offline communications with other players.

My Games raises your games database where you can view and analyze your games.

My Performance raises your Performance Database where you can graphically view your overall performance over a certain period of time in many categories.

My Profile raises your profile, where you can check your stats and look at your recent or saved games.

My Ranking kicks off the rank command for whichever type you select from the submenu. The output is displayed in the Console.

My Channels shows you which channels you are currently subscribed to and allows you to add or remove other channels.

Admins Online displays (in the Console Tab) the current administrators who are online along with their current status, in case you need help.

Full Screen maximizes the window currently on top, most often used to make the board bigger when playing.

See Also:
The Main Menu
Navigating the Client