Starting a simul

ICC has SimulBot to start simuls.

Simultaneous matches (where one player plays multiple games at once) can be played on the ICC. There are several ways to start a simul described below.

You can, however, start a simul without SimulBot:

The simul giver can move to a specific game with the goto command, as in goto 3 or goto frobozz. Using goto with no parameter goes to another game in which it's your move (if there is one). Dasher will normally take you to the game where you have the least time remaining, among all the games where you're on move, automatically.

If you are giving a simul, and get disconnected, you can resume the simul.

It's no different than the procedure for starting a new simul, except the adjourned games will be used, rather than starting new games.

The simul giver can add new games to a simul that has already begun: Players can use the match or resume commands to offer the game, and the simul giver can add the game with the accept command. The simul giver does not need to add the person to the simul list if the simul has already started.

See also:
Simultaneous Exhibitions
SimulBot -- command line help
simuls -- command line help
simulize -- command line help