Practice and improve

Below is a list of official ICC training programs to help you practice and improve your chess. Click on a play link to start a game. For more information, click a information link.


play TrainingBot   Practice chess problems.
play ProblemBot Practice chess compositions.
play KQk    Mate with  +   vs.
play KRk  Mate with +   vs.
play KBBk   Mate with + + vs.
play KQkn  Mate with +   vs.+
play KBNk  Mate with + + vs.
play KRkn  Mate with +   vs.+
play KQkr  Mate with +   vs.+


To get a seat for the next MrSpock lecture, visit the lecture webpage.
Watch on-demand video lectures by strong chess teachers.

 Approximate playing strength
play BulletD   600-1300
play BabyBach  900-1200
play BulletC1200-1500
play PDQBach1400-1600
play BulletB 1500-1700
play StrongBach1800-2000
play BachChoy  800-1000
play WimpE  900-1100
play WimpD1100-1300
play JackBach1200-1500
play WimpC1300-1600
play WimpB1600-1900
play JSBach1800-2000
play SlowFlo 30 30 tc1000-1200
play HEYNOWww 30 30 tc1300-1600
play Molasses 60 10 tc1600-1900
play BethO 45 45 tc 1600-1900
play SlowMoe 20 20 tc1700-2000
play Tortoise 60 15 tc1700-2000
play SlowBo 25 10 tc1800-2100

See Also:
Computer Accounts
help register   What do registered members get that guests don't?
help value   The value of ICC