Analysis options

At the top of each game board, you have the option of asking for analysis of a game you are observing or examining by clicking the analysis icon:

The currently installed engine is listed in the top pane: Crafty-20.14
ScoreThere are many factors that affect score, but the basic scoring method is to assign each piece a value (pawns=1, Bishop/Knight=3, Rook=5, Queen=9) and evaluate which side is winning and by how much. Crafty displays the score with + values good for white, - values good for black.
Depth Depth is the ply (1/2 moves) that Crafty-20.14 has searched ahead to produce the current best move and score. A depth of 14 is searching 7 moves ahead.
Time Time is the total time used in the current search to produce score, depth and nodes.
Nodes Nodes is the number of chess positions the engine searched to arrive at the current score and depth.
23. ... Qe1 is the move (principal variation) that Crafty-20.14 currently evaluates as the best move for the side to move.

Installing engines in Dasher

Start over Prev

First, you need to locate your engine and copy it to the engines folder:

%PROGRAMFILES%\Common Files\Internet Chess Club\Engines\

It's a good idea to create a new folder for each new engine to keep them organized. For example, if you want to install the Spike 1.2 engine, create a Spike 1.2 folder and copy the engine files into the new folder.

Next, go to the General tab in Settings:

Under Analysis Engine, Select your engine from the drop-down list:

Dasher supports both UCI and Winboard II protocols.
Directly below the drop-down engine list, you will select which protocol your engine uses. The two choices are X/WinBoard and UCI:
Refer to your engine documention to ensure you are selecting the right protocol. If you try one and the engine doesn't work, go back into the settings and try the other protocol. If your engine still doesn't work and believe it is compatible with X/WinBoard or UCI, please message Dasherbugs for support.

Finally, to use your new engine, you will select the analyze icon in your game board:

When you switch the analysis engine on, you will see analysis below the game board:

See Also: