Added on 10/29/2013

HABEMUS MAGNUS! The World Championship Match in Chennai is over. The young Norwegian is the new  World ChessChampion. A new era is dawning, with a bunch of young men who are taking over the top of the world.

"I am very thankful to you all for how I have been treated in India, and I am sorry for the outcome of this match".This is the beauty of young age, politeness and awareness. Magnus Carlsen, not yet 23, is the new chess World Champion. He outclassed the strong Indian GM Vishy Anand (6.5/3.5), giving officially the go to the generational turnover that many were expecting to happen. Anand, the great champion, had defended his title five times, but he could do nothing to stop the young Norwegian's force and class. In the last two games Anand tried everything to play actively and  win a game, but to no avail. In Game 9 he went for a checkmating attack, but then blundered while defending and resigned immediately. In game 10, in a must-win situation, Anand with the Black pieces could not get a favorable position out of the opening, and the two players drew, with Magnus Carlsen becoming the 16th undisputed Chess World Champion. In ICC it has been a great happening, with thousands of people following our live commentary and kibitzing on the games. During the live broadcast, we have ad important special guests, such as Henrik Carlsen, Ian rogers and Simen Adgestein. Did you miss one of our live commentary show? No worries! For this special occasion, ICC has made all the broadcasts available. Find more info here.  

Round Report

By NM Michael "fpawn" Aigner.  

Eight games into the World Championship match, Magnus Carlsen leads Vishy Anand by two points, 5:3.  Who could have predicted this?  Two weeks ago, pundits touted the importance of match experience as a factor favoring the reigning World Champion.  Yet the veteran blinked first, and then again.  Contrary to popular belief, the youthful challenger displayed nerves of steel, calculating precise moves when pressured, all while patiently waiting for his opponent to slip.

 After four rounds of draws, blood spilled in Game 5.  Carlsen maintained a small but steady advantage with the White pieces, forcing a favorable endgame by move 20.  Over the past two decades, Anand has survived many similar positions against elite competition.  However, the determined young Norwegian maximized the complications, and the champion finally collapsed.

 Game 6 followed an eerily similar script, except that Anand played the White pieces.  Carlsen equalized quickly, and by move 30, draw seemed almost inevitable.  No doubt any self-confident Grandmaster around the world would expect to hold the draw.  How would they fare against Magnus?  Alas, it took just two substandard moves for Anand to lose the second game in a row.

 To the chagrin of chess fans in India and elsewhere, Games 7 and 8 ended peacefully without adventure.  One can understand Carlsen's motivation: every draw brings him closer to the title.  Anand, however, trails two sets to none while playing on home turf, in front of his greatest supporters.  Roger Federer overcame this deficit often enough.  Why not Vishy?  Has the champion given up?

 The 43 year old Indian emerged on the world stage in the late 1980s.  Anand won at Wijk aan Zee for the first time in 1989, nearly two years before Carlsen was born!  Some readers may recall the 1985 PCA World Championship match between Garry Kasparov and Anand, held at the World Trade Center.  Perhaps, after all these years, Father Time has tapped on Anand's shoulder.  Indeed, Carlsen headlines the new generation in a chess hierarchy that keeps becoming younger.

 Say it ain't so, Vishy!  Fight to win a game--for your billion fans.  Tune into the Internet Chess Club on Thursday and Friday mornings to watch and listen.





1 Nov 09   GM Joel Benjamin   MrHat Arcadian 2 Nov 10   GM Alex Yermolinsky   Sweere mitgegenspiel 3 Nov 12   GM John Fedorowicz   bronxbattler NewChessStudent 4 Nov 13   GM Joel Benjamin   MrHat JBrow 5 Nov 15   GM Jonathan Speelman   Speelman gladiator46 6 Nov 16   GM Varuzhan Akobian   SCORPION83 SlimeDog2 7 Nov 18   GM Alex Yermolinsky   Sweere Mro 8 Nov 19   GM Larry Christiansen   LarryC springrain1361 9 Nov 21   GM Jonathan Speelman   Speelman cosmo22 10 Nov 22   GM Alex Yermolinsky   Sweere GefilteFish

Press conference and Opening ceremony.

Here is a very well done chess documentary on Magnus Carlsen preparing for the match. When Magnus Carlsen was 13 years old he talked about his dream of becoming The World Chess Champion. Now, 9 years later, he finally gets his chance...

Former World Chess Champion and arguably the best chess player of all time expresses his opinions on the upcoming match in this interesting article. 

A nice post by our friend and President of the ACP GM Emil Sutovsky.

ICC's Dream Team of commentators is ready to analyze the games on the air.  

Schedule 1 November 9   GM Yasser Seirawan   OM   GM Joel Benjamin   MrHat 2 November 10   GM Alex Yermolinsky   Sweere   GM Lars Bo Hansen   DonCorelone 3 November 12   GM Daniel King   D-King   GM John Fedorowicz   bronxbattler 4 November 13   GM John Fedorowicz   bronxbattler   GM Joel Benjamin   MrHat 5 November 15   GM Varuzhan Akobian   SCORPION83   GM Jonathan Speelman   Speelman 6 November 16   GM Ronen Har-Zvi   Indiana-Jones   GM Varuzhan Akobian   SCORPION83 7 November 18   GM Alex Yermolinsky   Sweere   GM Gregory Kaidanov   Kaidanov 8 November 19   GM Miguel Illescas   Illescas   GM Larry Christiansen   LarryC 9 November 21   Mark Crowther   vojo   GM Jonathan Speelman   Speelman 10 November 22   GM Ronen Har-Zvi   Indiana-Jones   GM Larry Christiansen   LarryC 11 November 24   GM Yasser Seirawan   OM   GM David Smerdon   Smurfo 12 November 26   GM Miguel Illescas   Illescas   GM Alex Yermolinsky   Sweere TB November 28   GM Ian Smeets   smeets   GM David Smerdon   Smurfo