Added on 2/27/2024


GM Jacques Mieses - Photo: Cleveland Public Collection - Source:

Today, we remember Grandmaster Jacques Miesis, born in Leipzig, Germany, on February 27, 1865.
A player with notable tactical flair, Mieses earned numerous beauty awards throughout his career, succeeding on several occasions in defeating champions such as Euwe, Chigorin, Gunsberg, Tarrasch, Janowski, Marshall, Schlechter, Bogoljubow, Rubinstein, Pillsbury, Nimzowitsch, Reti, Lilienthal, Spielmann, and Teichmann.
A great innovator in the field of openings, Mieses gave important contributions to the Vienna Game, the Center Game, the Scotch and the Closed Sicilian.
Born in Germany, he was forced to become a British citizen because of the racial laws. When, during a tournament in England, he was called "Mister Maisis," he famously reacted, reiterating clearly, "Nein, Meister Mieses!".

Richard Teichmann-Jacques Mieses, Vienna 1903
Black to move and win

See the Answer

28...b5! 0-1 After 29.Qxb5 Qe2+ 30.Qxe2 fxe2+, White is lost.