Added on 6/29/2013
Two, TWO ways to win! 1. Play a world class GM, 2. Donate to a great cause! GM Timur Gareev (2676 FIDE) is going to hold a 40-player simultaneous exhibition on July the 6th, at 5pm ICC time and100% of the donations will go to the Faraday kids in Chicago! Timur has fully joined in this "feel good cause" to raise funds for the Faraday Elementary kids team in Chicago, Illinois. You may have already read our article by ICC's VP Marty Grund and his open letter with "A Call To Action". If not, please take a look. Faraday's humble coach, Joseph Ocol, coach, with funding out of his own pocket has not only saved lives but raised the academic levels to the top of Chicago's schools!. Let's help him save lives and have fun doing so! GM Timur Gareev The simul will take place on July the 6th, at 5pm ICC time - 11pm Central Europe. This is a CALL TO ACTION! Let's help these kids, and feel proud of being part of the Chess community!
To reserve a seat in the simul, you need to donate at least $10
Ways to donate: 1. The easiest way is to go here: You can purchase as many $5 donations as you please. If you purchase donations from the ICC store, then please send email to with your username and the amount you have purchased.
2. You can also use ICC's currency - chekels - to make your donation.
To buy chekels, log in ICC with your username/password, and type in your main console: /c-buy Follow the instructions and buy the chekels. Remember: 1 chekel == 1 US$ At this point, you need to offer the chekels to the ICC account BrianSP. To do so, type in your main console: /c-offer BrianSP <amount> donation for Gareev simul For example, say I want to donate 20 chekels, I would type in my main console: /c-offer 20 BrianSP donation for Gareev simul The minimum amount you can donate is 10 chekels.
3. You can also send donations via PAYPAL to (Please mention "donation")
The 40 players who donate more will get a seat to play in this amazing event!
For any question or doubt you should have, please contact Lyon online or at his email