Added on 3/27/2016
GM Ronen Har-Zvi video recap
Nakamura beat Topalov in Round 13, getting back to 50%. It's a good thing for Hikaru, but neither he or Topalov are fighting for the spot in NYC.
The three draws in Caruana-Svidler, Anand-Giri and Aronian-Karjakin have determined the following situation:
Standings after Round 13
Pairings for Round 14
Karjakin and Caruana share the lead, with 7.5 points; Anand follows with 7 points. This means that Anand is out of the play, because even if he can catch the other two tomorrow, his head-to-head score is the worst (he lost with both the possible co-leaders). Yet his game with Svidler could be what decides the Candidates'. Let's see the possible scenarios: If either Karjakin or Caruana win their game against each other tomorrow, the winner takes it all, obviously. If they draw, then it depends on what Anand is going to do: if Anand wins, he joins the two in the lead, but at that point Caruana is the Candidate, because he has the best head-to-head score of the three; if Anand draws or loses, then Karjakin is the Candidate, because he's won 3 games, whereas Caruana only 2. It will be a very thrilling last round, and ICC is having LIVE commentary, with GMs Alex Yermolinsky and Larry Christiansen. Play starts at 8AM EDT, 14:00 Central Europe.
Press conference Nakamura-Topalov courtesy of Worldchess. Press conference Caruana-Svidler courtesy of Worldchess.
Press conference Aronian-Karjakin courtesy of Worldchess.
Today we have three winners for the GTR contest, who were able to get all the 4 results right: chesskid2007, bennywins and Radja. Bravo!