Added on 11/20/2023
IM Malcolm Pein November 20, 2023 |
TWO match wins over Turkey and Greece, both by a margin of 2.5-1.5, sent England up the table going into the rest day at the European Team Championships in Budva, Montenegro.
Luke McShane scored the win over Turkey, and Michael Adams played a lovely endgame, below, to secure victory over Greece in the sixth hour.
England were equal second on 8/10 and drawn against Netherlands in round six, four rounds remained.
Germany moved into the sole lead on 9/10 with a 3-1 win over Armenia.
Adams – Kourkoulos-Arditis
Position after 56.Nh3-f4+:
58…Kf5? (Black had to stay close to his last pawn with 56...Kh6)
57.Rf7! (Threatening Nxh5)
57...Kg5 (57...Ke5 58.Kh4! Kxf4 59.Rxf6+ Ke3 60.g3 Ra5 61.f4 Ke4 62.Rg6 followed by Rg5 wins)
58.Rg7+ Kf5 59.Nh3! (An easy move to miss which threatens Rg5+)
59...Ke6 60.Kh4 (intending Nf4+ and Rg5 rounding up h5)
60...Rb4+ 61.Kg5 Rb5+ 62.Kg6 Nd5 63.Kh6 (63.Kxh5 Nf4+ 64.Kh4 should win)
63...h4 64.Rg6+ Ke7 (The computer finds an astonishing defence for Black 64...Kd7 65.Rg5 Kc6 66.Kh5 Ne3 67.Rxb5 Kxb5 68.Nf4 which is today’s puzzle - see board below)
65.Rg5 Kf6 66.Nf4 (Winning material, now only a little care is required)
66...Nxf4 67.Rxb5 Nxg2 68.Kh5 h3 69.Kg4 h2 70.Rh5 Ne3+ 71.Kg3 Kg6 72.Rh8 Kg7 73.Rh3 Kg6 74.Kxh2 (74.Rxh2 Nf1+)
74...Kg5 75.Kg3 1–0
Black to play and draw:
See the Answer
68...Nxg2! 69.Nxg2? h3
England’s women’s team scored a fine 4-0 win over North Macedonia in the fifth round to reach 6/10. France and Azerbaijan shared the lead on 9/10.
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