Added on 4/11/2017
IM Christof Sielecki is a well-known chess teacher and an expert on openings. Christof is an ICC content creator. He ha his own live show on ICCTV every Monday, with many followers that enjoy watching the IM play the strong ICC 5-minute pool while commentating on his games. ICC is proud to present a brand new series of videos, thought and created to help players of all strength to improve their game. 33 Chess Concepts that took down World Champions The question is always the same: How to win chess games against a good player? In order to beat a stronger player, you need to be ready to induce and exploit mistakes, but how to do that? This video series focuses on concepts, ideas, and patterns that are essential to know in order spot those opportunities. Even the best players in the world lose games and this series solely relies on more than 200 sample positions and games that feature a world champion on the losing side vs. a non-world champion, sometimes even against a clear underdog. If even World Champions are taken down with the help of the presented subjects, why not your next opponent in a local club event, or in your next tournament? The more ideas and patterns you know, the easier it will be to find a good solution in your own games. Watching this series will help you to better spot your opponent's mistakes and exploit them more effectively. ICC decided to make the 1st episode of the new series free for everyone to watch! Loose pieces drop off! Become a member of the best chess club of the Internet! Click HERE to register a FREE account (1 month) and check out all the amazing features of the Internet Chess Club!