Added on 7/16/2016
GM David Smerdon video recap
The trend continues: only one decisive game per round in Bilbao. And the last three rounds the one to shake the score is always the same: Magnus Carlsen. It's not every day you see a player of Wesley's strength being totally lost after 21 moves. Magnus makes it look easy. even too much easy, sometimes. Even the commentators and the analysts weren't able to spot the "bad" moves that got So in trouble. It's just that the World Champion played apparently without effort the best possible moves, outplaying his opponent.
Nakamura and Giri drew an interesting game, with the young Dutchman having some chances in the middlegame, which he wasn't able to capitalize on bringing home the full (3) point(s).
Wei Yi and the Challenger drew a rather uneventful game. there's still plenty to play in this amazing tournament, but if Carlsen keeps on with this pace, it'll be hard for the rest of the lot to fight, if not for the second place. tomorrow Round 5 at 10am EDT -- 16:00 CEDT. Pairings: So-Wei, Karjakin-Nakamura, Giri-Carlsen.
Today we have THREE winners in the GTR contest: cool64chess, gfv and fearlessone. Well done!
The winner of the GOTD TRIVIA contest for Round 3 is toktok. Congratulations!