Added on 7/15/2016
GM Alex Yermolinsky video recap
The most awaited game between World champion Magnus Carlsen and challenger Sergey Karjakin went in favor of the Norwegian, who won in good style, crushing his Russian opponent. Let's say that if Karjakin wanted to hide his preparation, he was very successful. His play looked weak; nothing that could worry the World Champion. Magnus said, in an interview after the game: "the early defeat forced me to play sharper", and today it showed. Carlsen was able to change his usual strangling technique into a dangerous and irresistible attack, only partly because of Karjakin's weak reaction. The World champion is always ready to go for the kill when the position allows him to strike.
We will see whether Sergey is able to come back with colors reversed. For now, after the "historical" loss against USA ace Hikaru Nakamura, Carlsen seems to be walking the right path, with two wins in a row. He's now leading alone, with the soccer-like score, at 6 points, followed by Nakamura with 5. Hikaru today drew with the Chinese kid, and Giri-So ended in a draw too. Tomorrow Round 4 at 10am EDT -- 16:00 CEDT. Here the pairings: Carlsen-So, Nakamura-Giri, Wei-Karjakin.
Today we have TWO winners in the GTR contest, who were able to predict all the three results: fearlessone and Theunrock. Well done!
the winner of the GOTD TRIVIA for round 2 is springrain1361. Congratulations!