Added on 2/19/2019
This year Mr. Sinquefield, the American Chess benefactor, put on the plate $300,000 to host in his beloved and marvelous St. Louis Chess Club an interesting event, which sees the participation of ten top GMs.
The new American GM Lenier Dominguez is going to wear the star and stripes flag, as he changed federation recently. The exhibition event features five matches:
Name Rapid Blitz FIDE Rating Federation Name Rapid Blitz FIDE Rating Federation Fabiano Caruana 2772 2770 USA vs. Pentala Harikrishna 2711 2641 India Hikaru Nakamura 2845 2894 USA vs. Jan-Krzysztof Duda 2716 2818 Poland Wesley So 2797 2775 USA vs. David Navara 2688 2661 Czech Republic Leinier Dominguez 2816 2717 USA vs. Veselin Topalov 2717 2708 Bulgaria Sam Shankland 2622 2639 USA vs. Richard Rapport 2708 2695 HungaryEach match has a prize fund of $60,000, with 36,000 going to the winner and 24,000 to the loser. The contestants will play Rapid (15 minutes plus a 10-second increment) and Blitz (3 minutes plus a 2-second increment), over 5 days. The Internet Chess Club will relay the moves. Games start February the 20th, at 1 PM PST, 2 PM EST, 20:00 CET, 19:00 UK.