Personal Notes

Much obliged!



As far as I'm concerned you're just powering my car battery


3-minute best list 9/15/18 through 9/27/18


ex peaceamongwrlds %00

Magodevic(GM) says: man, stupids like you in the world there a lots

apparently it is entirely possible to obtain 3 grandmaster norms without an education or the ability to comprehend irony

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 2110 Best 2129 (02/Sep/2018)
Type 5-minute Rating 2160 Best 2250 (20/Sep/2018)
Type 1-minute Rating 2009 Best 2110 (20/Sep/2018)
Type 3-minute Rating 2214 Best 2345 (26/Sep/2018)
