Personal Notes

Old master from the 80s. If you were around then, you know who I am.

How does it feel to know that someone twice your age is 10x faster at tactics.

chess is not about pawn structure and statics. It is dynamic. E = MC 2. energy and material are in a constant state of flux and transfer. Once you figure out what the speed of light is in chess terms you will play this fast as well.

if i take longer than 3 seconds in a bullet game or 15 seconds in a blitz game, you are lost and should look for my winning move

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 2131 Best 2140 (08/Mar/2024)
Type Bullet Rating 1829 Best 1913 (25/Jan/2023)
Type 5-minute Rating 2095 Best
Type 1-minute Rating 2126 Best 2221 (22/Nov/2022)
Type 3-minute Rating 2027 Best 2268 (16/Nov/2022)
