Lecture Tools

In addition to kibitzing, examiners can take advantage of some wonderful advanced graphical aids. You can control the lecture tools by using the lecture menu on the examination board:

Each of the lecture marks is described below, alongside the keyboard shortcuts if you would prefer to use keyboard shotcuts instead of the lecture tools menu.

Undo Last Mark
This removes the last lecture mark you placed on the board. You can select this option multiple times if you wish to remove lecture marks one a time.
Color of Marks
color selector
Color of Marks--This options chooses the color of the arrows and highlighted squares.
Highlight sqare/draw arrow
color square
Highlight Square -- Right click on a square to highlight it. (Example). Keyboard shortcut: SHIFT key and LEFT click. You can hold down the shift key and drag across multiple squares to highlight multiple squares. Adding ALT to the key combination brings up the color chooser.
Draw Arrow -- Right click and drag from the starting square to the ending square to draw an arrow. (Example). Keyboard shortcut: Hold down the ALT key to bring up the color chooser after drawing an arrow
Highlight sqare/draw arrow
Flashing square
Make Flashing Rectangle -- Right click on a square to make a flashing rectangle. Hold down the right mouse button and drag across multiple squares to highlight more than one square at a time. (Example). Keyboard shortcut: CONTROL+LEFTclick
Highlight sqare/draw arrow
flashing piece
Flash Piece(s) -- Right click on a piece to make it flash. Hold down the right mouse button and drag across multiple squares to make more than one piece flash. (Example). Keyboard shortcut: CONTROL+RIGHTclick
Highlight sqare/draw arrow
fade piece
Fade Piece(s)
-- Right click on a piece to fade it. Hold down the right mouse button and drag across multiple squares to fade more than one piece at a time. (Example). Keyboard shortcut: SHIFT+RIGHTclick
Delete all marks
Delete all Marks-- This will delete all the lectures marks from the board at once without needing to delete one by one.
See Also: