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***** MATCH *****   

Command : match
Options : name time increment time2 increment2 r u w black white
Examples: "match Fred"      -- Challenge Fred (default parameters)
          "match Fred 3 0"  -- Challenge Fred to a 3 minute game, no increment.
          "match"           -- Withdraws all your "match" and "seek" offers.

This command is used for challenging a specific player to a match.  (To
issue a general challenge to many players, use "seek".)  For example,
"match arcsin 2 12" will issue a challenge to arcsin with an initial
2 minutes on each clock, and 12 seconds added after each move.

Details on the parameters of the match command:

All parameters to the match command are optional.  Any parameter that is
not included explicitly is taken from your variables.

The "r" or "u" tells if the match will be rated or unrated.  The wild
number indicates which chess variant, e.g. w5 for wild5.  (Some named
variants can be specified by name instead, e.g. "match Fred losers" or
"match Fred chess960".)  "white" or "black" specifies the color the
challenger will play, but is normally omitted so that color is chosen automatically.

If you omit an argument, it will be taken from your default variables.
(exception: if "time" is included, and "increment" is omitted, "increment"
will be 0.)

Time-odds games are proposed using the "time2" and "increment2" arguments.
"time2" is the intial time (minutes) your opponent will have, and "increment2"
his/her increment.  See "help odds-games" for more details.

If you have already been challenged to a match by "name" then doing a
match command with exactly the same parameters will accept the
challenge.  Alternatively, a match may be accepted by saying "accept
opponent" or "accept" if there's only one challenge.

If you have an adjourned game with player , "match " asks that
player to continue the old game, not to start a new one.  The "stored" command
lists your adjourned games.

Pending challenges (both from you and from others to you) can be seen with the
"pending" command.  You may challenge several people at the same time.  When
one challenge is accepted, all others are withdrawn.

Note that if you change your mind, and decide you don't want to play a
person, but you've already offered a match, you can use "match" with no
arguments.  This withdraws all your challenges.  It also cancels all
your seeks.

See also: pending, decline, accept, wild, odds-games, adjourn, stored,
          seeking, clocks, resume