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***** KRIEGSPIEL *****

Kriegspiel (wild 16) is a chess variant in which you cannot see your
opponent's pieces!  You can only see your own pieces, and you have to
guess where your  opponent's pieces are.  When you try to make a move,
ICC may tell you that your move is illegal, in which case you should
make another move instead.

To play Kriegspiel, just match someone for a wild 16 game:

                   match Fred 2 12 kriegspiel

The computer referee makes the following announcements where appropriate:

- "White's move"
- "Black's move"
- "Pawn at "square" captured"
- "Piece at "square" captured"
- "Rank check"
- "File check"
- "Long-diagonal check"  (the longer diagonal from the king's point of view)
- "Short-diagonal check" (e.g. for a king on e1, the short diagonal is e1 to h4)
- "Knight check"
- " pawn tries"  (number of legal capturing moves using pawns)

When you try an illegal move, you are simply told "Illegal move", whether
it is moving into check or moving through an enemy piece.  Your opponent is
not told anything when you try an illegal move.

You cannot observe rated Kriegspiel games.  This is to prevent people from
logging in with a second account, and seeing all the pieces while they are
playing on another account!  You CAN observe unrated Kriegspiel games,
if you're registered.

If you disconnect or get disconnected during a Kriegspiel game, the game 
is a loss.  Kriegspiel games are not adjourned.

In examine mode you can see all the pieces and moves, e.g. if you have
examine=1, at the end of the game you'll be able to see your opponent's
pieces (you may have to "refresh"), review the move history, etc.  The
illegal moves tried are not recorded.

Moves that are typed in must use dumb-computer format, e.g. "e2e4".  Input
strings such as "nxq" which might be interepreted differently depending on
the enemy position are not allowed, with one exception:  "px" is allowed,
to save you the trouble of trying a dozen possible diagonal pawn moves when
you know that precisely one of them is legal.  Other acceptable forms include
"e2-e4", "o-o", and "f7g8=N".  Moves like "Rd3" are not accepted, because 
there are a few cases where they could be context-dependent.  Most graphical
interfaces generate strings like "e2e4" for you when you make moves with
the mouse.  On some old interfaces such as Slics 22f and xboard 3.4, pawn
captures can't be made with a mouse and so must be typed in.

Opponent moves show up in the form "?" or "?xf3".  This might break some

1. Channel 116 is the Kriegspiel channel.
2. Kriegspiel with lag is painful.  Even with timestamp, your clock will run
   while you wait to hear that your move is illegal.
3. If you start a game and your opponent complains that he can't see your
   pieces, offer to abort, and suggest that he read this file.

See also:  wild, bughouse, refresh