Personal Notes

operator and programmer Mike. yes that is my handle not just my name. "tell astrobot help" technical info

I can tell you when the next ful or new moon is or was. use !new or !full or !new-last or !full-last

if you do tell astrobot !planets 5.5.1955 or shout !planets 5.51955 (day.month.year), you get stuff like mars 12 cap, or venus 3 aries

cap is capricorn. it's the initials of the sign its in. for interpreation, see this page which is a classic work from the 1930s

the code file that controls the astro functions is in c++ and available here Look for the second header on that page " astro code". that is the only code on that page i'm deploying now though there is some additional code there

The following 4 comands control the astrobot game relay, list, lib, number, and delay. "Follow Astrobot" to watch the classic game relay and type Unfollow , when done.

tel astrobot list shows libs it can relay from.

copy a lib from 'tell astrobot list' then type tell astrobot lib to change the library the next game comes from. type tell astrobot number to change the the numbered game it plays from the library it's relaying for next game.

use tell librarybot delay 4 , for example, to change the pace of the relay. that would be 4 seconds between moves.

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