Personal Notes

ICC staff: I sustained a brain injury several years back that has left me with cognitive impairments. So, if I ask the same question frenquently in the help channel, Im not trying to be annoying

Server Ratings Details

Type Wild Rating 1281 Best
Type Blitz Rating 993 Best 1165 (08/Apr/2017)
Type Standard Rating 1331 Best 1358 (02/Aug/2017)
Type Bullet Rating 1064 Best
Type Crazyhouse Rating 1292 Best
Type 5-minute Rating 959 Best
Type 1-minute Rating 985 Best
Type 15-minute Rating 1427 Best 1487 (27/Sep/2017)
Type 3-minute Rating 793 Best
Type Chess960 Rating 1473 Best
Type 25-minute Rating 1598 Best 1624 (16/Jun/2017)
