Personal Notes

Graham Waddingham, used to be 2345 FM

gave up real life chess in mid 80's

Now in Essex, UK

Former UK Under 18 Champion

Former England Junior team captain

Takebacks given for mouse slips, or if its ruined an interesting game.

K+R vs K+R is a draw. K+R vs K+entire army, I reserve the right to try for a win on time.

I generally like to play Qf3 when white, or Qf6 as black in the opening. Even GMs can fall to a scholars mate in blitz.

8... Qb6 0-1 19 wins since 29/7/2012, inc 5 GMs

Server Ratings Details

Type Blitz Rating 2376 Best 2694 (02/Jan/2006)
Type Bullet Rating 2021 Best 2297 (15/May/2008)
Type Crazyhouse Rating 1982 Best
Type 1-minute Rating 2050 Best 2302 (27/Dec/2013)
Type 3-minute Rating 2093 Best 2315 (04/Sep/2013)
