Personal Notes

Buffett calls pessimists about United States 'out of their mind' "Whenever I hear people talk pessimistically about this country, I think they're out of their mind," Buffett, the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, said on Tuesday night.

fireweed(97): Justin gave us legalized weed, legal suicide, what more could you want?

Megasus(97): and as the last ten months prove , you white woman DESERVE to be attacked for voting FOR the pussy grabber

Ex-president Obama declares Irma "Hurricane of Peace," urges not to jump to conclusions and succumb to stormophobia

"Pretty much every message that Trump put out was data-driven," says Cambridge Analytica CEO Alexander Nix -

Bleeding Heart Tightwads -

dlh(97): how easily the gun bigots forget Nice, France where a terrorist used a truck to murder and injure hundreds....time to ban trucks too....

A New York Times/CBS News poll of backers of the emerging Tea Party movement shows that its supporters are more affluent and better educated than the general public.

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